Severe acne can be detrimental to the thin layers of skin 
on your forehead and face. It can also cause extreme 
irritation, resulting in open wounds, puss-filled pores, 
and unsightly scarring.

This type of acne is quite different than mild or moderate 
cases. Severe acne needs the immediate attention of a 
qualified dermatologist and your family practitioner.

Severe or acute acne can be caused by both environmental 
and genetic variables. Prevention and treatment are the 
best ways to deal with such cases. Seldom does an extreme 
acne sufferer's skin clear up naturally, but in most 
instances, it actually worsens.

Usually a dermatologist will recommend a combination of 
both topical cream and oral drugs. Several types available 
include different antibiotics, benzyl peroxides, Tretinoin, 
Adapalen and the strong, yet effective Azelaic Acid. 
Antibiotics and this acid can work wonderfully, attacking 
the source of inflammation-the bacteria lining the 

The other topical drug, Tretinoin, is simply a form of 
vitamin A that stops the development of comedones, or 
inflamed hair follicles. While it doesn't necessarily stop 
the growth of bacteria, this is a more natural way of 
unplugging clogged pores that cause inflammation and 
lesions, thereby allowing the use of topical antibiotic 
cream to work deeply within the skin.

Another drug that isn't so natural in it's approach are the 
newer forms of Retinoid drugs. These drugs are quite 
powerful in the way they work. Like Tretinoin, these drugs, 
often Tazarotene or Adapalen, also help to fight off the 
development of comedones or comedo lesions.

These drugs, although not available over the counter (OTC), 
come in different forms. Similar to OTC drugs, these come 
in a variety of solutions, gels, lotions and creams. Your 
dermatologist will immediately know which type is right for 
your skin and prescribe what she or he believes will most 
effectively open pores and fight-off unwanted bacteria.

Dermatologist will routinely ask you which form of 
medication you'd prefer. Creams are good for those with 
extra sensitive skin, while gels and other solutions tend 
to make the skin become more dry and irritated. He or she 
may recommend one or the other based on gender and/or 
whether you live in a hot and humid climate.

At first, your skin may look and feel worse with the use of 
such strong medications. If the pain becomes unbearable or 
if you develop a rash or extreme redness of any kind, be 
sure to stop using the product and immediately talk to your 
doctor and dermatologist.

Similarly to OTC treatments, it will take up to eight weeks 
for you to actually notice improvements. But, once it 
begins to clear, it will make a world of difference to how 
your skin looks and feels.

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